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Leveraging the ICT effectiveness in disaster management and collaboration between TU Delft and IDP

发布日期:2017-01-05     点击:





Yan Wang

Kenny Meesters




Yan Wang,

Yan Wang graduated from Beijing University of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Technology in 2004, and graduated from Delft University of Technology with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science (Information Architecture track) in 2009. She worked as a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Information Management (2000 - 2014) and as a researcher at the Department of Management (2014 - 2016) at Tilburg University. Between 2012 – 2016, she conducted several field research projects at KPN The Netherlands. Currently she works as a researcher in the section Policy Analysis, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology. Her research interests include information management in complex socio-technical system, ICT service operations, disaster management ecosystem and so on.

Kenny Meesters,

Kenny has a background in Business Engineering, and a master’s degree in both Information Management and Strategic Management from Tilburg University. He previously worked as a software developer and IT project manager for commercial firms. After several years he returned to Tilburg University as a researcher, working closely with international humanitarian organizations and local emergency services. He is also currently employed at Agder University in Norway working as a researcher in the Center for Integrated Emergency Management.

In his research Kenny focusses on the role of information and ICT in crisis situations and disaster responses, such as the use of community generated information in their decision making processes. Specifically, Kenny looks into how information can be used to bridge gaps between affected communities, responding organizations and spontaneous volunteers. Among others, Kenny uses serious gaming as a research approach to examine these interactions in more detail, and has (co-)developed several serious games to this end.