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IDP Approved to Build the branch of BeSTDR Infrastructure Hospital.

Date:2020-06-11    Author:     Source:     Click:

On June 7, 2020 Midyear Working Conference and Inaugural Meeting of the Branch of Water Utilities was hosted by BeSTDR Infrastructure Hospital. Professor Cai Xiaoguang, director of Academic Research Office of IDP, Associate Professor Li Ping, vice president of School of Geological Engineering, and Miss. Huang Xin from Achievement Transformation Department attended the online video conference.

At the meeting, associate Professor Li Ping, as a representative of IDP, made an application report on the proposed branch from four aspects: demand analysis, basic situation of IDP, advantages and characteristics, and construction plan. After the meeting, members of BeSTDR Infrastructure Hospital management committee voted online to formally approve the preparation for the construction of IDP branch of BeSTDR Infrastructure Hospital.

As an important platform of University-Industry cooperation, IDP branch of BeSTDR Infrastructure Hospital will promote the cultivation of professionals in disaster prevention and mitigation, and provide support for improving the quality of professional personnel training. As an open and shared service platform for scientific research and engineering personnel exchange, the branch will provide professional and systematic services in the field of earthquake prevention and mitigation, and better support scientific research.